LWSD Accepted into National Network of Innovative School Districts

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) joins Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools and will partner with other leading educators, entrepreneurs, and researchers from across the country.

Redmond, Wash. – LWSD was accepted today into the League of Innovative Schools, a national coalition of forward-thinking K-12 school districts organized by Digital Promise, a nonprofit organization with the mission to accelerate innovation in education and improve the opportunity to learn through technology and research.

LWSD was selected from a competitive national pool of applicants based on its leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning, and commitment to equity and excellence.

“We are very excited to be selected as a member of this National Network of Innovative School Districts,” said Dr. Jane Stavem, LWSD Superintendent. “Joining the League of Innovative Schools allows us to elevate our practice as we develop and expand opportunities for our students by collaborating with other great districts from across the nation.”

The League of Innovative Schools, launched in late 2011, and accepts new members through an open application process once per year. With their new members, the League now includes 114 school districts in 34 states. The full list of members can be found at digitalpromise.org/districts.

“The League of Innovative Schools works to advance equitable opportunities and outcomes for students, and solve challenges facing schools through powerful use of learning technologies and research,” said Kim Smith, executive director of the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools. “We welcome our new League members and look forward to working with them to further catalyze positive change in public education.”

This exciting achievement markes a multitude of new opportunities for LWSD students in STEM.

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